Year: 2016
How to enable Motion Detection Interrupt on MPU6050.
The MPU6050 data sheet has a nice “marketing” section, claiming it has a DMP unit, and a couple of useful interrupts, among them a accelerometer event interrupt. However, how to actually use these features is not documented there. And I want to use the Motion Detection Interrupt (so I can put the host MCU to…
Fine motor skills?
I did not know this was possible. The hollow core motors of a Cheerson CX-10 can actually be opened, and a new wire can be soldered to the brushes when the original one broke of. This started as a challenge, me stating it was impossible to open these motors without damaging them beyond repair and…
Python echo
This adds a echo to a wav file. The file also gets louder, because the result is not normalized. (sample + 0.8*Othersample v.s. sample+0.8*Othersample/1.8). This is my first real experiment with DSP. Maybe More Later(tm). Comments are welcome. (no registration necessary / pre-moderated by me) [sourcecode language=”python” wraplines=”false” collapse=”false”] """ Echo. Usage: python_Echo InpuFile.wav OutputFile.wav…