Tag: Leidse Makerspace

  • Some short notes on the Lecroy9450 repair project

    Because there is no big news yet, some short updates. – Claude Schwarz pointed me to the Yahoo user group “Lecroy Owners group”, they have design files for a HHZ406 replacement. (Made by Dieter Frieauff). So maybe the ext. trigger input can be repaired as well. – A service manual for this ‘scope (And others)…

  • LeCroy 9450 oscilloscope repair

    This was supposed to be an easy repair, and therefore not worth blogging about. But as it turns out, it might get interesting after all. (The ‘scope is not repaired yet) The “Leidse Makerspace” owns a LeCroy 9450 350Mhz DSO. When they moved to their new location I temporarily got this oscilloscope. Not just for…