Fine motor skills?

I did not know this was possible.

The hollow core motors of a Cheerson CX-10 can actually be opened, and a new wire can be soldered to the brushes when the original one broke of.


This started as a challenge, me stating it was impossible to open these motors without damaging them beyond repair and my father insisting it is possible. So don’t ask me how to open them, I still think it is impossible. I only soldered the wire and closed it again. (Make a hole for the new wire by removing all residue of the old wire, remove part of the glue over the brushes, tin the new wire, then very quickly solder it, as to not overheat the plastic. Carefully press the back back on the motor again, making sure the brushes don’t bend in ways they are not supposed to)


And now my CX-10 is flying again. With a battery that’s slightly to large, a half-painted side to help orientation (Does not actually help), and rubber bands instead of screws holding it together. Also, half its props are pink because those where the last ones I had around. So its almost as ugly as possible, but it’s flying again. And that’s kind of crazy.


(And yes, I bought new motors just in case, and I still think this repair should be above my fine motor skills (pun intended) as everything is way to tiny and way to melt-able, but apparently its less impossible then I thought.)



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One response to “Fine motor skills?”

  1. […] stick’) en metalen schraper gekocht, want die komen vast nog van pas: Een beetje micro-reparatiewerk is mij niet […]

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